Multi-instrumentalist musician, sound healer, composer, music producer
Hi, I’m Ruy. I’m a truthseeker who learned with monks, shamans, peacemakers, musicians, therapists, schools and mystics from many parts of the world, in a mission of integrating modern and ancient ways of music and spirituality to bring peace to Earth.
Born in Lima, Peru in 1991, I’ve been working as a Sound Healer for around 12 years, holding the space for many groups in different countries. I play many instruments. Different kinds of flutes: Quena, mama quena, bansuri, silver flute, pan flute, native american, clay whistles, strings: bass guitar, classical and electric guitar, didgeridoo, djembe, drums, lots of sound effects, seeds, synthesizers, keyboards, pads, loop machines and midi controllers to DJ and live looping.
I’ve been producing music since I was 17. I’ve released 5 official studio albums (available on all digital platforms) of my own music during these past 12 years of career and have worked on other projects (see Music Works tab). I love to create small universes, musical landscapes. The genres I play and create include: New age, electronic, relaxing, experimental, rock, psychedelic rock, indie rock, flute rock, rock-pop, electro-pop, singer-songwriter, world music, medicine music, mantras, ancestral, tribal, live looping.
And recently diving into Electronic Dance Music, live Organic Beats and Ecstatic Dance sets.
In 2016, I won a scholarship that took me to a beautiful island in Thailand to learn with monks in a meditation retreat for artists of all disciplines from all around the world, organized by NGO Peace Revolution. I learned how meditation can boost your creativity and how you can express your soul in surprising ways.
I completed 6 Vipassana 10-day silence meditation retreats that helped me to cultivate inner peace and to feed my music and my soul. I did many other meditation retreats with my Buddhist teacher, Lama Karma Chotso, with whom I practiced for a long time, specially learned to meditate, buddhist philosophy and to sing Tibetan mantras.
In 2 years I organized around 15 wellness/healing retreats between the Sacred Valley, Lima, and the Amazon jungle of Peru. I assisted and helped experienced shamans in Ayahuasca and San Pedro ceremonies (plant medicines) and learned a lot about how invisible energies work. How sound is interconnecting all dimensions and heals deeply when you’re sincere and pure hearted with music, with voice and true expression.
I’ve been a facilitator of psylocibin microdose ceremonies with Sound Healing, live music and guided meditation. I’ve also shared Wachuma ceremonies for small groups 🌵.
I taught during many years Sound Healing teacher trainings in Peru and online, and formed a big tribe of students.
In 2023 I moved out from Peru and did a small tour, starting in Panama, then played in different venues in Europe: in Sweden, Latvia, Germany, France and Spain. Then I decided to stay in Europe 🇪🇺
I’m half Dutch, so moved in Jan 2024 to the Netherlands, to understand my European roots and integrate my both lineages. 🇵🇪🇳🇱 .
I’m now based in Amsterdam 📍
I’ve been making intercultural, healing and musical bridges, creating events and having collaborations with peacemakers, artists and mystics from all around the world 🌍
Now I’m ready to teach Sound Healing for the European community
If you want to know more, check my events here and stay tuned through my Instagram 😊
Hola! My name is Ruy Hinostroza Sipkes, son of Ingrid Sipkes and Rodolfo Hinostroza. I am the youngest of 3 brothers and uncle of 2 precious beings. I was born and raised in Lima, I am Peruvian and Dutch on my mother’s side. I am 32 years old.
I am a Virgo with Aquarius ascendant
and Moon in Taurus
(and 4 planets in Leo
My path with music started in Peru at age 14 when my dad bought me a bass guitar and I started to play in a rock band with my best friends, Los Chobis (album here). We were teenagers, rockers with a lot of energy having fun. As a bass player I collaborated in other small bands in Lima. Something that few people know is that I was the former bass player of Mundaka, a now well known indie rock band from Lima <3
At 17 I went to Argentina to study Sound Engineering. At 18 I returned to Lima and realized that I wanted more music than engineering so I started classical guitar lessons with maestro Lucho Justo. Thanks to him I was admitted to the Escuela de Música de la Universidad Católica (PUCP) in Classical Guitar speciality. 🎶✨
Once inside the Music School, I realized that they were not teaching me what I was looking for, that I was losing my time and that the classical path was limiting me, so I quit and followed my own inner path. I was already learning some sound technologies and experimenting with Garageband
Great teachers appeared in my life.
Tito La Rosa, great musician and teacher, taught me to connect with sound from another place, more ritualistic, more intuitive. At 19 I learned about Tibetan Buddhism thanks to my mother who introduced to me a wonderful Sangha and there I learned about meditation, which changed my life and calmed my mind. I practiced for several years the Karma Kagyu lineage with an amazing teacher, nun and Lama: Lama Karma Chotso and I loved it, learned a lot and I connected a lot with her rituals and Tibetan mantras. It felt like I was remembering. I met beautiful people there.
With all this, my sense of music changed completely.
I learned to play ancestral instruments like the quenas, native flutes, didgeridoo and djembe and I continued experimenting and recording with the computer, creating musical landscapes, small universes. I love to mix ancient and modern instruments .
At 21, I released my first album, Anahata, which marks the beginning of my official musical releases. It’s a new age / electronic / experimental music album that opened a lot of doors for me. It’s here
At 22 I started guiding Sound Healing Ceremonies all over Lima, Cusco and played music in some yoga and meditation and alternative therapies centers. I played in some medicine and yoga music festivals.
At the age of 24 I won a wonderful scholarship for artists and meditators and went to Thailand to learn with monks for 2 weeks on a beautiful island with people from all over the world and all artists from different disciplines. This organization, called Peace Revolution, was truly a blessing in my life, I learned a lot about working with meditation as a booster for enhancing creativity and musical possibilities, focusing on bringing peaceful music.
I started to open the international door, to meet and understand other cultures around the world a little bit more. When I came back to Peru I started to teach what I learned about music and meditation together. I realized that we all can connect with music from the meditative state and not only from traditional academic methods and I started to help many people to unblock themselves, transforming self-judges and to teach how to calm our minds with some meditations and doing a lot of music together 🎶🧘♂️☺️
I went to the jungle to have an Ayahuasca Ceremony in the Shipibo tradition and started to understand more of the fascinating magical world of shamanism. It helped me to and still help me to see and understand other dimensions of reality, to let go pain, to heal my relationship with my voice, to respect the master plants (and to heal myself very deeply).
At 25 I released my second album: Círculo de Sonidos and I went to Spain to make a small tour, I played in Madrid, Barcelona and Málaga and took the opportunity to know a little Europe for a few months. It was a wonderful experience.
That same year my dad passed away. Luckily I was able to be with him in his last days and say goodbye 🥰😊.
Back in Lima, I was musicalizing the Open Yoga yoga classes on Sundays at the Lighthouse for a couple of years. I played a lot of instruments and with some loop pedals, I press it to record and then playback on top, creating all layers in real time… that all was a school of sounds for me. We enjoyed a lot and learned a lot during those times, met beautiful souls. The classes were a success, we had a lot of people.
At the age of 26 I released my third album: Un Paseo por el Cosmos and continued playing in different places, in ceremonies, events and festivals in Peru.
I had the honor of playing in the Sacred Citadel of Caral 3 times and in other Huacas (archaeological remains) such as Mateo Salado, Pucllana, Santa Catalina, and Huantille, most of them in Lima. The energy that these sacred places have is really very special and full of story 🛖✨.
I went to many meditation retreats, between tibetan tradition or Vipassana, which are 10-day silent meditation retreats. Whenever I could I would sign up for one. I did 6 retreats over many years and that helped and inspired me tremendously and gave me inner peace constantly. 🧘♂️☮️
At the age of 29 I released a concept rock album called Vipassana, musically painting my experience of the retreat, day by day as a song passes, using samples of the voice of the teacher Goenka and honoring him and this wonderful retreat
Then came the pandemic. That year, 2021, I moved to the Sacred Valley of the Incas – Cusco and organized many 5-day Healing Retreats with Sound Healing and other spiritual and healing practices. I had good partners (Mario Maywa and Derek Winder) and we would co-create magical safe spaces for people who were looking for healing and nature. I also worked as Sound Healer for many private national and international groups in different retreat hotels in the Sacred Valley, such as Willka Tika, Raices Inkas, Samadhi
By that time I was already 30 and did a mini tour in the United States. I played with a friend at the Micro-Fest, a 3-day festival in Salt Lake City, and I also played at a Kirtan in Houston.
I did a live looping concert in Houston and gave a bamboo meditation workshop there.
Then I came back to Urubamba and I released a single called Aves Doradas, followed by an official videoclip recorded by very good friends. It was a international cooperation between Peru and Panama filmmakers. Directed by Philippe Roberts (Panama) and camera + Franz Harvis (Peru) in camara
I formed a rock band for a short time, but enough to play a couple of times (before I decide to leave from Peru to make a worldwide tour of my solo career). We were 5 bandmates and had a lot of fun rehearsing and playing together. We played songs from my conceptual rock album Vipassana
Sebastian Abad, Enzo Guglielmino, Ruy Hinostroza, Rodrigo Díaz, Manfredo Buitrón
In that time, I started sharing Healing Sound Ceremonies with sacred mushrooms microdose, holding 4 hour deep healing spaces in different spaces in Pisac and Lima– Peru and I still do it today.
I shared ceremonies with Sacred San Pedro (Wachuma cactus) with music, grandfather fire, meditation, medicine songs, love and truth. Always honoring our beautiful culture and our ancestors from the mountains. Cactus medicine is very powerful and loving medicine.
I created a live looping musical shamanic set with the background of the beautiful Sacred Valley of the Incas, surrounded by the Andes big mountains and we recorded it all. Along with my brother Manfredo, we did this piece of art together. I was 31 years old by that time.
In 2023 I decided to leave Peru and I traveled around the world to share my music, it started as a small world tour. First I went to Panama and meet my friend Philippe.
April – June. I held many Sound Healing ceremonies with psylocibin microdosing with very good results, some of them with my ex partner, Nicole Heffels, who is a composer and singer. We helped many people, specially new people. The ceremonies lasted at least 4 hours and the dose we worked with was between 0,75g and 1g of dried mushroom. I did many ceremonies, private therapies, live music, was very active during 2 months.
While in Panama I released my rock EP Aislamiento, which is a progressive/indie/psychedelic rock 5-track album that talks about my own feelings and frustrations of the pandemic years. Aislamiento means isolation. After releasing the album I felt a big relief, it was like finally closing an episode after many years. Those were difficult times… so that album can be intense and gray-ish 😅
After Panama, I made a small Euro Tour. I first was invited to Sweden 🇸🇪 to play a Sound Healing concert in a alternative medicine festival called Yggdrasil, in the green Swedish meadows with the medicine community. So I traveled with my best friend Philippe from Panama, amazing photographer, massage therapist and human being. We met so much people and had much fun traveling and working for 4 months together in different festivals and countries.
June 2023. I hosted a Sound Healing ceremony in a Yoga Studio in Leipzig. It was very nice, the space was already equipped for Sound Healing, it had a lot of gongs and drums, and this time I made it acoustic. Our couchsurfing host also joined. My friend did me this beautiful video:
Then we headed south and had a small event with Dani Schroter, a german friend who organized a healthy food masterclass in her house in a beautiful little town in the east of Germany – Görlitz. There I played meditative music to relax people, it was beautiful, cozy and familiar.
June – July. We went to Stockholm for some days, then Gothenburg and then to the location of the festival, 1 hour from there in a beautiful place in the middle of the forest, among rivers and natural pools. It was beautiful and we stayed for 1 week there. The festival lasted 4 days.
I met beautiful people and great musicians whom I collaborated afterwards with. My new friend Alwin invited me to a cacao ceremony to play with him flutes and drums in a Yoga Studio in a beautiful town 1 hour from Gothenburg called Stenungsund. We played his medicine music songs and some covers. A banjo player joined the band for some songs, it was beautiful.
July. I was invited to do Sound Healing in an alternative music festival called We Love Mystic, with holistic healing practices, meditations, dance, sauna, workshops, healthy food and beautiful people in the middle of Latvia. It was organized by a great Panamanian musician living in Latvia, Charlie.
July – August. After the festival and with all the new connections, I organized many Sound Healing ceremonies, events, played in other small festival, did music for a dance event, and much more. I activated Latvia during 1 month and a half. I received my 32nd birthday there and had a beautiful celebration. It’s amazing how many things can happen in one year…
After that it was time to move again.
September. I said bye to Philippe and continued my trip alone and went to the north of Germany to make some volunteering work in a beautiful Ayurvedic hotel near Luneburg. There I did a couple of Sound Healing sessions for their guests and workers.
September – October. I was invited to do a Sound Healing closing in Paris for the Ecstatic Dance Paris community so I continued my tour heading south. Then they invited me next day to see the band Curawaka live. It was beautiful tribe and music.
October. Then I went to Lyon to visit an old friend who is a very good musician and Sound Healer, Shant. He is an amazing Hand Pan player. He organized for us a private group and we played an intimate Sound Journey for them, with handpans and flutes.
October. I went to Spain to have a Sound Healing concert in Madrid. Many old friends from Peru that were living there came, including my blood brother, it was very special. Then I went to some beach in South Portugal to rest and relax for a week or so 🇵🇹
November. I came back to Latvia to organize a Sound Healing Retreat with my friend Santa Grinina, a great shamanic singer that holds voice opening workshops. We did a weekend retreat in the countryside of Latvia, in a very beautiful and green forest.
I stayed some weeks until end of the year and organized many Sound Healing ceremonies, Cacao Ceremonies, Ecstatic Dances, mushroom ceremony, co-created with other facilitators and healers events across differents parts of Latvia.
That was the end of my 2023 Euro Tour.
In 2024 I moved to an island to spend the winter and to organize all my new compositions, integrate all my long journey and rest. I stayed in Texel for 5 months and then moved to Amsterdam and I’m still here. I’ve also done events and keep on organizing magical ceremonies. I’ll be posting some photos soon, but there’s a lot of work in organic life 😅.
You can follow me on Instagram @ruy.hinostroza and check more about me in real time 🙂
If you have made it this far…
Thank you very much for your time and your interest!
Blessings! May you have peace in your life! ✨🥰🙏🏻